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Yellow background with white text Live Out Loud
Live OUT Loud
On May 17 - 18, Philadelphia Gay Men‘s Chorus (PGMC) will present its Pride Kickoff concert “Live OUT Loud.” This is our last concert of the 2024 season, and Joe's final show as our Artistic Director and Conductor. Thanks to Joe’s 20 years of leadership, we have grown from 35 members to over one hundred proud members. During this concert, we are excited to showcase various LGBTQ+ themed commissioned masterpieces that celebrate the profound experiences that shape and build our community. Including a special commissioned piece to be performed by Lyricist and Drag Soloist Cookie Diorio, "Long Live the Queen (a her-story of drag)" by Composer Andrea Clearfied. As well as popular selections like “Dancing Queen”, “Rise Up”, “I Will Survive”, and “Born This Way”. We will not be erased; we will not be denied; we WILL Live OUT Loud!

Item details


May 17, 2024 8:00PM

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